Lunar New Year of Dragon Special Menu | 龍年鮮做外送年菜
農曆新年是華人文化中最受重視的節日之一。 年夜飯是家人的團圓聚餐,這頓是年尾對一家人來説最重要的一頓晚餐。
今年,Ommi's 提供了年菜外送的服務,讓您可以在農曆新年期間輕鬆享受新鮮烹製的美味佳餚,不必忙碌於烹飪,而是將寶貴的時光留給家人。我們每天都會為您準備美味可口的年夜飯,送到您家門口。
Lunar New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, holds significant importance in Chinese culture. It is a time for families to come together and celebrate with a grand feast, symbolizing the beginning of a new year.
This year, Ommi's is introducing a catering service to deliver freshly cooked feasts to your doorstep throughout the Lunar New Year holiday. Allow Ommi's to take care of the intricate meal preparations, so you can cherish the moments of togetherness with your loved ones.
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Lets walk you through our LNY Selection!
來看看Ommi‘s 年菜有啥好吃吧!
五味九孔鮑魚&龍蝦沙拉拼盤 | Abalone and Lobster Platter
香滷牛三寶拼盤|Cold Braised Wagyu Beef Three Treasures
Ommi's 特選牛的三個部位來製成滷味,搭配上海帶、豆乾、滷蛋、花生製成的七樣菜拼盤,讓您吃了龍年七星高照一整年!
The three treasures refer to beef tripe, tendon, and intercostal. This popular dish can be found in night markets around Asia. Marinated in Ommi's special recipe, the intense yet balanced flavour profile will bring you luck to the rest of 2024!
醇香紹興醉海陸|ShaoXing Drunken Chicken and Prawn
使用整片去骨雞腿肉低溫烹製和原產自QLD的新鮮虎蝦,燙熟冰鎮後再浸泡獨門三種酒醉雞滷汁一個晚上, 酒香十足, 雞肉和蝦肉鮮嫩多汁,回味無窮。
A traditional delicacy where boneless chicken Maryland and fresh prawns delivered from Queensland is cooked and marinated in ShaoXing wine and other Chinese herbs overnight. The authentic and rich flavours will leave anyone in awe!
海陸珍味佛跳牆 | Ommi's Buddha Jumps Over the Wall
有別與其它的佛跳牆調理包,我們的湯頭和選材真材實料,師傅使用十幾種食材新鮮燉煮整整兩天的濃郁湯頭, 天然甘甜無添加! 選用澳洲新鮮活體大鮑魚和許多精選食材燉煮入味! 精粹而出高湯精華,經過了繁雜工序將多樣食材完美融合在一起,嚐起來濃郁甘甜,回味無窮。佛跳牆有『福壽全都來』的吉祥之意,過年時必吃佛跳牆,品嚐充滿濃濃台味的海陸珍味佛跳牆,龍年好幸福!
This dish is so nice that Buddhas will jump over walls just to get a taste! The wacky name lives up to its name with Ommi’s recipe of all-natural ingredients and flavours! The soup is boiled with 10+ fresh ingredients over two days to bring out the natural sweetness and umami of vegetables.
鴻運蒲燒鰻油飯|Taiwanese Sticky Rice with Eel
這份散發濃郁香氣的台灣油飯,一秒帶你飛回到故鄉。 鋪上碳烤過後的鮮美蒲燒鰻, 絕對是你最棒的辦桌年菜選擇!!吃黏黏過好年~
A classic dish perfect for gatherings or personal enjoyment, made with fresh ingredients and a lot of love. Sesame oil brings out all the hidden flavors of shiitake mushrooms and shrimp, topped with char grilled japanese-styled eels. A wonderful choice for LNY!
步步高升紅蟳米糕|Taiwanese Sticky Rice with Mud Crab
將蝦米小火以麻油乾煸至金黃色,再加上手切五花肉、薑,、香菇熬製成香噴噴的肉醬。香Q糯米淋上Ommi's特製肉醬,這就是最完美的古早味油飯!這份散發濃郁香氣的台灣油飯,一秒帶你飛回到故鄉。 搭配上整隻泥蟹一起蒸, 絕對是你最棒的辦桌年菜選擇!!吃黏黏過好年~
A classic dish perfect for gatherings or personal enjoyment, made with fresh ingredients and a lot of love. Sesame oil brings out all the hidden flavours of shiitake mushrooms and shrimp, topped with an entire mud crab. A wonderful choice for Lunar New Year.
鴻運獅子頭白菜滷 | Lion's Head meat ball
Lion’s head meatballs are a staple in Chinese New Year feasts. These giant braised meatballs resemble the head of a Chinese guardian lion. Tightly packed with minced pork, tofu and cabbage, this ball of goodness is a must-eat!
梅干筍香金蹄膀|Braised Pork Hock, Bamboo Shoot, Preserved Mustard Cabbage
Is there a more iconic CNY dish than braised pork hock? Chewy skin, juicy meat paired with the goodness of bamboo shoots and mustard cabbage brings a whole different layer of flavour to this already amazing dish.
鮮露清蒸黑龍鯛|Steamed Whole Sea Bream, Shallot and Lemon Soy
Ommi's 嚴選的澳洲黑龍鯛搭配上特製鮮甜蒸魚醬油,新鮮現殺的活魚,以清蒸的方式帶出魚肉的鮮甜。過年最不可少的一道佳餚,祝您年年有魚!
A classic steamed fish with Ommi's signature sauce!