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Hakka Style Tangyuan Soup | 古早味客家元宵鹹湯圓 ( 2 serve)

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  • $20.80
  • Regular price $26.00
  • 9 available
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pork belly, dried shrimp, garlic chives, chrysanthemum, spring onion, shiitake mushroom, glutinous rice, sesame oil, garlic, ginger, five spice powder

五花肉, 蝦米, 韭菜, 茼蒿, 蔥, 香菇, 糯米, 麻油, 蒜頭, 薑, 五香粉

In the pack:

1 pack 700g Hakka Style Meat Soup 客家茼蒿鮮肉湯

1 pack Plain Rice Ball 紅白湯圓

*This product comes as a frozen pack. Please follow cooking instructions on the package to prepare.


ALLERGEN ADVICE: Contain soy, shellfish, sesame, egg product

Ommi's 今年元宵情人節帶來 阿母ㄟ古早味~"客家鹹湯圓''

滿滿客家味食材大鍋爆香,加上長時間熬煮的大骨湯,五花肉熬煮的湯頭香氣十足, 韭菜和茼蒿帶出鮮肉湯的尾韻, 油蔥酥的香氣! 這就是客家湯圓的魅力。Q彈軟糯的湯圓,不但象徵著圓滿團圓,每一口湯圓更溫暖家人和情人的心。

Tang Yuan (湯圓) are a traditional lucky food of Chinese New Year / Lunar New Year and they are to be enjoyed during and at the end of the 15 days new year celebration (which is the Lantern Festival). Probably you are more familiar with the sweet version of these round rice balls filled with sweet sesame paste, sweet peanut paste or red bean paste, or served in hot water or a light sweet soup.

However, Ommi’s are serving a much lesser seen savoury variety of Tang Yuan, often found in the Southeastern shore of China, Taiwan, and some Southeastern Asian countries like Malaysia and Singapore. 

Hakka Style Tangyuan w Soup (slow-cooked bone broth)

Ommi’s uses slow-cooked broth to accompany the Hakka style savoury Tang Yuan. Scoop a Tang Yuan together with some broth to experience a complex flavour combo - the chewiness of Tang Yuan and the slow-stewed broth with flavours from pork belly, leek and chrysanthemum.

Fun fact - during the Lantern Festival, Tang Yuan eating symbolizes family unity and togetherness in Taiwanese traditional culture. Ommi’s presents Hakka Style Tang Yuan Soup for you, and sends our blessings and love to you as well.

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